Saturday 7 December 2013


It has always amused me when I've observed the Pepper kitty momentarily watching TV.  

Occasionally her interest has been held longer than usual if a wildlife special is on:  She was particularly fascinated by David Attenborough's Tiger - Spy in the Jungle, which she got right into.  A little cat who likes watching big cats.  This made me wonder about programming - what if there was a channel specifically designed for kitties, broadcasting the types of shows that they might like to watch.  Would they watch it?  Could Kitty TV one day become a reality when there will be so many channels that everybody will be catered for?...     

This little kitty would watch, as shown above.  I found an ideal DVD for her seemed to be the rather dry looking 'Everyday British Birds' which I picked up from a bargain bin for £1.99.  Once I'd tapped the TV screen and announced 'Birdies! Birdies!' which is a word that she understands from watching them through the windows, she was spellbound by it.  Which may prove with the right material your moggie could become a TV addict.  I supposed now I'll have to allocate space for her own DVD collection.  


'No, you can't have the TV remote back...'

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