Sunday 22 September 2019

GARDEN: The Garden Summerhouse Project ~ Part 6 ~ Finishing

Plenty of Light
Bifold doors
Partially open
Fully open
A year later, and the Summerhouse is finished - well almost, as the path still needs to be paved and the outside area, landscaped, levelled and grassed.  

I love the design.  A shed or cabin would have been too dark inside as the light mainly comes in from the side.  This perfect solution of part greenhouse, part shed, is ideal as a studio. The shelves were made from salvage wood & inexpensive IKEA wood brackets.  In order not to drill into, or put any pressure on the timber structure a rail has been mounted across the back wall and everything is hung there on butcher's hooks.    The lighting, a combination of a work pendant light and festoons, are all solar.

Best of all, the bifold doors open out fully so you can still experience the garden, the fresh air, the birdsong, the sunshine, and the mosquito bites.  The great outdoors.

Half greenhouse, half shed
Hung by hooks

The succulents & cacti love it!